I am aware of DIV tags, but I have never used exclusively to design a whole page layout, I have used them in conjuction with tables.
Here is my oportunity to ditch the tables and learn how to use the DIV tag.
<div> is the professional way of designing the webpage. It provides flexibility in web designing as you can make any kind of design using CSS. But the problem with CSS is that, its debugging is not easy and people find it hard to learn. That’s why they stick to <table>.<table> is easier to learn and implement as you have to only figure out the layout of rows and cells.source: http://theprofessionalspoint.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/div-vs-table-tag-which-one-to-use.html
The two most useful sites for learning and understanding DIV tags are:
W3Schools - http://www.w3schools.com/
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com
Both these sites were a fantastic resoruce for learning how to use DIV tags, and the associated CSS styles.
Youtube Video Links:
Learning to use CSS and DIV Tags for Columns in Dreamweaverhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSJT7Wf6A04
HTML div tag Example and Tutorial using CSS
HTML 101 - The Div Tag
Floating Div Tags :: Dreamweaver Tutorial
Relative and Absolute Positioning of Div Tags, Nesting Tags
The Professionals Point: DIV vs TABLE tag: Which one to use?
Adobe Community: Choosing <div> vs <table> layout
HTML Layouts - W3Schools
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